Bongo is nothing but a fun sticker and poster/wallpaper app, mainly focused on Bengal and "Neo Bengaliness" of this era. It is a very simple, cute little app without any complicated features, through which we will be showing you some beautiful artworks in the form of stickers and wallpapers. stickers, wallpapers, posters....these things dont really add so much value to our lives(or maybe it does, you never know!!), but we still use them. We love sharing fun yet meaningful posters on social media, we love using stickers while texting, it makes us feel happy and this is the only reason behind making this app . So, keep your "oh! so serious" part aside for a second and tell your friends to download "Bongo", like you did and let us all have fun together.Thank you,Team BongoAll the Stickers and Wallpapers are designed by Anurag Paul.